Friday, December 27, 2013

Time for a Fresh Start

It may not be the new year but I'm getting a jump start on organizing.  There is no better time for a fresh start than the new year.  Not to mention, the kids have projects (can you say "build a California mission from scratch" project?) due after break. 

I've decided to break this project into a series just to make it easier to accomplish.

To start I took photos of my office / laundry room / pantry / junk room.  I know -- too many things for one room!  But I live in an old house and space is at a premium. 

Let the embarrassment begin...

My husband's desk.  As you can see he is not an A-type personality.  Organization is an unnecessary chore in his world.

A view straight through from the kitchen to the back door.  You can see my desk area on the left, my washing machine & dryer, dog crate, and my husband's desk.
Ok.  Do not judge!  Yes, this is my desk area.  To be fair I run a family of 5 and two businesses from this little desk.  I use it for my accounting responsibilities in one business and creating jewelry for the other.  At least the furniture is pretty.  :)

This last photo is taken with my back to the back door facing the kitchen.  You can see the ugly, ugly, ugly shelving for office supplies and tech equipment (that thing is outta here!).  The "doorway" to the left of the shelving is a walk in pantry. Like I said, I live in a very old house.  I assume this room may have been a porch at one time or mud room / laundry / canning area. 
Now that you have seen the mess I work in let's move on to something better (prettier too).  I decided the best approach was to measure everything.  I measured all of the walls including windows and doorways. I also measured all of the furniture -- width, height, depth. 
With some paper I started working out possible floor arrangements.  Because my budget for this project is almost $0 I will use the majority of the furniture I have.
I came up with 3 different options for the room arrangement.  I've decided to replace the ugly (did I say ugly enough) wire shelving and the even uglier "faux" wood / glass cabinet in the first photo.  In their places will go more modern and cohesive open bookshelves. 
The plan is to use the bookshelves with baskets, bins, and other nice looking organizers for the office supplies and my binders. 
Phase one is first move the furniture because I need to have everything in place before I start organizing.
Phase two will be purchasing the new bookcases, assembling, putting in place, and organizing them.  Above one bookcase I will add monthly and weekly dry erase calendars to track our service calls (for one of my businesses) and assign tasks to employees.  A nice mail sorter will work perfectly for the paper work such as work orders, installation forms, and completed work.
Phase three is to organize my bookcase and desk.  It needs to be organized for each business so the items I need are easy to find. 
Phase four is the really dirty part.  I will remove everything from the "junk cabinets" over the dryer.  Sorting, tossing, keeping, and organizing are the tall order of the day.  I plan to purchase plastic bins with drawers to insert into the cabinets.  The drawers will be dedicated to a use i.e. "light bulbs", "batteries", "tools", "dog". 
Phase five is cleaning out the pantry area and doing the same organization.  I suspect there is a lot in there that can go.
There you have it.  I should have this done in no time at all!
 I am looking forward to sharing the progress with you.  Wish me luck!

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